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A normative sample of thousands of people and millions of assessments taken over 60+ years have proven that business challenges, large and small, are no match for the scientific rigor and predictability offered by our workforce assessments. More than 350 validity studies have been performed across all jobs and countries.

PI Behavioral Assessment 

The Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment objectifies workplace behaviors so you can predict the drives and motivations of others, be a better manager, and communicate more effectively.


It is a highly effective, yet simple, scientifically-validated assessment that measures four core behavioral drives. Where these drives fall creates a behavioral pattern that provides a simple framework for understanding the workplace behaviors of your people. Assessments are available in over 70 languages for use around the world.

PI Job Assessment

Identify the aspects of candidates that you cannot change with skill development or education.


By utilizing the science behind the PI Behavioral Assessment and the Job Role Profiling Assessment, hiring managers are better equipped to:


  1. Evaluate the potential similarities or dissimilarities between the behavioral requirements of the job and the behavioral needs of the candidate.

  2. Analyze data about a candidate’s fit for a particular job and where potential challenges may exist.

  3. Develop targeted behaviorally-based interview questions during the selection process.

PI Cognitive Assessment

The Predictive Index Cognitive Assessment (CA) predicts the natural learning ability & agility of each individual. Our workforce analytics system is one of the best predictors of training success and job performance across all job levels and industries.


The PI Cognitive Assessment is a scientifically validated measure of general mental ability (also known as “g”). It was built following strict standards of test construction set by professional organizations such as the American Psychological Association, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and the International Test Commission.

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